Today we left the dock and headed north! We left with the tides to help push us along and there was wind forecasted but we didn't see much of it. We weren't on the journey long when I spotted an ORCA OFF THE PORT BOW!!!!! Yes, you read that right.
How many times have we been out on the boat for the day and hoped to see Orca? Dozens... Today was the day. There were two of them traveling south and then crossed right in front of the boat. They were close and as soon as they crossed the front of the boat, they dove and we never saw them again. Wow! It was amazing. I got some crazy bumpy video to prove it.
Not much farther down the way off north, heading towards us I thought there were porpoises approaching starboard - they were traveling so fast and coming all the way out of the water. As they got closer I could see how big they were and then - the dorsal fins! Wow, more Orca! They flanked us one on each side of the boat passing by so fast we couldn't believe it. As we watching behind us there were several - at least 5-6 of them milling around. So. Amazing. I've never seen them that close up before. I'm still in awe!

We had a few little rain showers along the way, but not enough to bother us and it's so beautiful out here it just doesn't matter! As we passed by downtown, with Seattle in the background, we spotted more way off towards the bay. They were moving quickly again and coming all the way out of the water as they sped by. I wonder how fast Orca can swim - I shall research and get back to you!
As we rounded the corner, we were almost to our destination - Port of Kingston. Called ahead and got our assigned slip of #16. This is a great marina - right next to the ferry terminal. The port is clean and well kept, and I'm posting this via their free wifi! We got ourselves situated, had some dinner and now we are just sitting here discussing the fun we had today. Tomorrow we continue north - our goal is to make it to Pt Townsend but when you're on the water, you have to see where it takes you.

Thanks for joining us on the journey!