Parking: This site has very limited parking - definitely a carpooling site as the neighborhood will call and have you ticketed if you don't park appropriately.
Bathrooms: There are no bathrooms at this site
Entry: Small public walkway to the water. The waterfront residents do not like you walking on their beach, so enter straight in from the pathway.
What will I see? This site is built of artificial reefs randomly donated throughout the years by local scuba divers. Check the photos below to see what awaits you below. All of these photos were taken over the years at Three Tree Point.
Things you should know: During fishing season, the fisherman line up along this beach from sun up to sun down. In the summer time there is boat traffic coming in and out of the area - pay attention.

Anthopleura artemisia

Euspira lewisii

Metridium farcimen

Olivella baltica

Metridium farcimen

Tritonia diomedea

Jamolus fuscus

Stomphia didemon